Duncan D MacDonald
contemporary art

Yalla, 2018
Single channel video, stereo audio
This video work served as a graphic score for interpretation by bassist Andre Segone. The streetscapes of Cairo, Egypt (shot from a vehicle's perspective) present a range of beauty and decay in one of the most complex and noisiest cities in the world.

Nature Walk, 2011
HD video, stereo audio
This video explores the feeling of disconnection with Nature through a performative experiment in Algonquin Park, Ontario.

Work, work, 2010
This work explores the concept of what constitutes work. As a father, professor, and artist - how might these duties be rethought and presented in a performative manner?

Piano Burn, 2012
HD video, stereo audio
This work explores the interconnections between the history of the piano, colonization, and the current practice of burning ivory stacks (from poachers) by park rangers.

Several attempts at crying on demand, 2005
Standard definition video, stereo sound
This work is a response to the London bombing attacks during the summer of 2005. De-sensitization, media spin, and politics are confounded within this absurd work.

Birch Music for Player Piano, 2000
Patterns from a piece of birch bark are translated into player piano music. In essence, the tree is teaching the piano something about music.

Representationalism, 2007
HD video, stereo audio
This social experiment involved an attempt at walking like Parisians - an act I compare to the copying of European art through art education and pedagogy.

A Slow Walk, 2003
This simple performance experimented was shot from my studio window at NSCAD. I walked in slow motion for about 12 minutes, and sped the footage in post-production. This is one in a several of experiments in experimenting with time, walking, and subtle performances

Bird Planet, 2011
The documenting of starling murmurations in Canada is made other-worldly with a few simple post-production video tricks.

Another Slow Walk, 2008
This is a re-working of my original Slow Walk. However, this one is shot alongside the Seine in Paris.

Conceptualism in Art and Education, 2018
This talk was presented at Oriental Hall at the Tahrir Cultural Center in downtown Cairo. It links Conceptual Art, research, and education within a Visual Arts context.

This interview focuses on the group exhibition Back & Forth - featuring artists from Canada and Brazil working with ideas concerning travel, research, and neo-conceptualism.